Electrically Heated Tubing Bundles
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Thermon TubeTrace® Type SE/ME
Small diameter lines are heated for many reasons including freeze protection (winterization), reduced viscosity, and keeping gas samples above their dew point. These can be critical for process accuracy, emissions compliance, and even plant operation.
Steam and electrically traced instrument tubing bundles represent lower installed costs and increased reliability for flow, level and pressure transmitters (as examples).
Thermon manufactures every type of resistance heat trace available in the world today. Standard products are certified for use in ordinary (nonclassified) areas and in potentially explosive atmospheres in accordance with ATEX Directive and the IEC Ex Scheme.
Compared to bare & manually heat traced + insulated tubing, TubeTrace bundles are a cost effective, reliable & proven solutions for industry.
Specify the requirements for your engineered to order solution, here.
TubeTrace, with BSX self-regulating heat tracing, to provide freeze protection or temperature maintenance from 5°C to 65°C
for tubing where no “steam out” occurs.
Tubing bundle with FP constant Watt heat tracing, provides freeze protection or temp maintenance 5°C to 93°C.
Ideal for emissions & process analysers.
Heated tubing with 'cut-to-length' self-regulating heat tracing.
deal where high temperature exposure is possible. HTSX withstands temperatures <215°C.
Tubing bundle w. self-regulating heat trace for freeze protect. or temperature maintenance with high temperature exposure occurs.
VSX withstands intermittent temperatures of 232°C.
Tubing with power-limiting heat trace.
Composite + fiber substrate + cushion layer = durable industry standard for high temp. emissions + process analyzers.
Tubing + series resistance MIQ heat tracing: 5°C to 500°C.
Seamless Alloy 825 sheath for extra durability.
Prefabricated heating bundle.