Hopper Heaters for Power Station

  • Client industry:  Power generation
  • Application:
    Fly ash hoppers on electrostatic precipitators experienced pluggage problems due to flue gas condensation.
  • Challenge:
    The sulphurs in the coal carried over with the fly ash combine with moisture to form sulphuric acid, which attacks the hopper walls from the inside.
    Poor heating systems lead to hoppers that are paper thin and mechanically suspect. Replacing hoppers is very costly.
  • Solution:
    Evacuation is made easier if the ash is hot. Our hopper heaters are designed to keep the ash dry and free flowing

Fly Ash Hopper Heaters

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Please describe your existing or proposed process in as much detail as possible.
Please describe any inefficiencies or specific requirements of the existing system if applicable.
Please describe the optimal results expected from the new system in as much detail as possible.
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