HeetSheet tank heating units are available in multiple sizes and are prerolled to conform to the radius of the tank.
Stainless steel tubing connections are provided for steam or other heating or cooling media.
Customer supplied fittings are used to connect the inlet and outlet tubes to ThermoTube® preinsulated supply and return tubing.
HeetSheet units are designed and fabricated in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section VIII Div 1 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Please add any or a specific option to your enquiry list & we will get back to you to discuss your customised solution using Thermon's HeetSheets.
*without Compound Connections between the steam and condensate headers and the HeetSheet may be accomplished with ThermoTube pre-insulated tubing. ThermoTube is available in a variety of sizes to meet the requirements of the application. For sizes or product configurations other than those listed, contact Thermon. When ordering HeetSheet units without heat transfer compound, use the NC designation at the end of the catalog number. Example HS-2-NC. Pre-rolled radius of curvature is limited to a minimum of 102 mm for the 26 gage units.Advantages:
- Each installation is based on known and predictable heat transfer coefficients.
- Factory applied non-hardening heat transfer compound provides high heat transfer rates.
- Requires only 1/2 to 1/3 the heating surface area of plate-type coils for like applications.
- Light weight units with factory applied heat transfer compound assure quick installation.
- Used for both heating or cooling applications.
- No cross contamination of heating media and tank/vessel contents.
- Type 304 stainless steel waffle pattern panel
- 12 mm O.D. stainless tubing for inlet and outlet connections
- Thermon heat transfer compound
(see Typical Cross Section illustration to the right)
Applications for HeetSheet
HeetSheet tank heating units are constructed of 26-gage type 304 stainless steel, conforming to ASTM A240. The welded waffle style pattern provides multiple flow paths reducing risk of blockage possible with single-flow designs.
For temperatures up to 190°C, Thermon NH nonhardening heat transfer compound is factory applied to the surface of the HeetSheet unit that contacts the tank wall. This is to eliminate air gaps and optimize heat transfer.
HeetSheet units are available in multiple sizes and are pre-rolled to conform to the radius of the tank. Stainless steel tubing connections are provided for steam or other heating or cooling media. Customer supplied fittings are used to connect the inlet and outlet tubes to ThermoTube® pre-insulated supply and return tubing. ThermoTube is arranged separately.
Typical Tank Heating System
Standard tube diameters | 3/8” and 10 mm |
Nominal O.D | 19 mm |
Available tube materials | copper & 316 stainless steel |
Typical pipe temp. range | 24°C to 93°C |
Max. exposure temperature | 215°C |
Min. installation temperature | -40°C |
Available tube materials | copper & 316 stainless steel |
Typical pipe temp. range | 24°C to 93°C |
Typical max jacket temperature | <58°C |
Max. recommended steam pressure | 1825 kPa |
ASME Inspection/ Certification
ASME does not require units of small internal volume and pressure rating to be certified. Specifically, the maximum stored energy in a HeetSheet unit falls well below the limits set by the Code for certification as defined by the following three volume and pressure points:
- 0.14 m3 and 1720 kPa
- 0.08 m3 and 2410 kPa
- 0.04 m3 and 4140 kPa
(No HeetSheet units approach these volumes.)
HeetSheet units are designed and fabricated in accordance with the requirements of ASME Section VIII Div 1 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code but are not inspected nor stamped.²
²ASME inspection and stamping is available as an option for all heavy gage HeetSheet when specified on order.
Inlet & Outlet Configurations
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